Digital Ferry Advertising

Digital Ferry Advertising Costs

$ /average CPM

This CPM is the average cost for this media type using the most standard options across the available markets. For more information on the exact display types and available markets contact us.

Digital Ferry Advertising Options

•Ferry Terminal Displays
•On Ferry Digital Units

Digital Ferry Advertising Details

Digital ferry network screens are located within ferry terminals.

Consumers look to these screens to find schedule information (departures, arrivals, delays) and local news.

The digital advertisements on these ferry screens can be full motion or static depending upon the campaign’s objective and where the advertiser wants the message displayed.

These digital screens are located in high traffic areas to maximize consumer exposure to each message. With longer than normal dwell times, ferry advertising is a great way to reach consumers.

Availability of digital screens within ferry terminals varies per market and per terminal.

Digital Ferry Ad Costs

Need a quote for digital ferry advertising costs in a specific market? Submit a request and our DOOH media team will get started.

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